Guided Practice 2.2: The Prisoner's Dilemma

Two men are arrested, but the police do not possess enough information for a conviction. The police separate the two men and offer each the same deal- if one testifies against his partner (betrays), and the other stays quiet (doesn't betray), the betrayer goes free and the non-betrayer receives the full one-year sentence. If both remain silent, both are sentenced to only one month in jail for a minor charge. If each 'rats out' the other, each receives a three-month sentence. Each prisoner must choose to either betray or remain silent; the decision of each is kept quiet. What should they do?

The outcomes for player 1 are:

                           Player 2 move: 
                         Betray    Don't Betray
 Player 1 move:
 Betray              |    -3        0
 Don't Betray        |   -12       -1       

Observe that for both player 1 and player 2, the "right" thing to do is to betray, since that avoids the possibility of -12. But of course if nobody betrays, they both wind up with only a month in jail-- a better outcome!

This problem has been the subject of much discussion and research. Let's take a look at a small piece of the problem.


;; A Move is one of 
;; -- "betray"
;; -- "don't betray"

;; move-fn : Move -> ???
;; (define (move-fn m)
;;   (cond
;;     [(string=? m "betray") ...]
;;     [(string=? m "don't betray") ...]))

Here's the task:

;;; outcome : Move Move -> Number
;;; GIVEN: the moves of player 1 and player 2
;;; RETURNS: the outcome for player 1
;;; EXAMPLES: (outcome "betray" "don't betray") = 0.
;;; see table above.

Here's how NOT to do it:

(define (outcome move1 move2)
    [(string=? move1 "betray")
       [(string=? move2 "betray") -3]
       [(string=? move2 "don't betray") 0])]
    [(string=? move1 "don't betray")
       [(string=? move2 "betray") -12]
       [(string=? move2 "don't betray") -1])]))

  (check-equal? (outcome "betray" "betray") -3)
  (check-equal? (outcome "betray" "don't betray") 0)
  (check-equal? (outcome "don't betray" "betray") -12)
  (check-equal? (outcome "don't betray" "don't betray") -1))

This code violates our rule that you can only use one template at a time. It starts out using the template for Move on move1, but then in the right-hand sides of the cond, it starts using the template for Move on move2. We can't apply the exception mentioned in the slides for Lesson 2.3, because Move is not compound data.

Rewrite this code to follow the template by splitting each of the right-hand sides into a separate help function. Be sure to use good function names for your help functions.


Last modified: Thu Aug 13 16:14:16 Eastern Daylight Time 2015